
EBIS Modules

Enterprise Business
Integration Solution (EBIS)?

EBIS provides real-time insights and internal controls across enterprises that help organizations automate and improve day-to-day business processes and collaboration between various departments and team members.

Unified Framework

Unified Framework

You no longer must depend on or run a standalone and fragmented application for planning, provisioning, and managing IT infrastructure.

With EBIS, a single, unified solution, you can address all your IT business processes, tasks and operations.

Increases Productivity

Increases Productivity

By integrating Human Resources, Portfolio of Projects, Assets, Inventory and Organizational relationships, EBIS provides easy access to business data, hence, minimizing human errors, improving business operations and enhancing productivity.

Better Data Security

Better Data Security

EBIS increases the level of protection by integrating enterprise data at one platform rather than spread across various systems and applications with multiple layers of security. EBIS enhances data security by offering functions to control access permissions, ensuring employees only view and modify the data they require.

Visibility and Scalability

Visibility and Scalability

EBIS provides real-time visibility into the status of business processes and data used and managed by other departments and team members which helps all the teams and individuals to perform their roles better. The solution also reduces the time needed to find accurate and up-to-date information.

Reduces Operational Costs

Reduces Operational Costs

EBIS automates the various business functions that reduce or even eliminate many operational and administrative costs. The solution wipes out many manual activities regarding data entry or business processes that require lengthy documentation. With its real-time insights, EBIS provides sufficient opportunity for other cost savings.

Improves Collaboration

Improves Collaboration

In this age of digital transformation, various departments of an organization need to remain coordinated to have a seamless experience when executing a task. EBIS provides real-time data that the teams can easily access and share within several departments, thus minimizing communication delays or disintegration.

Better Customer Service

Better Customer Service

EBIS helps organizations improve customer relationships by providing all customer data, from contact details to sales history to support cases, in one unified platform. It enables faster response and more personalized and effective communication with customers when they need assistance.

Realtime Customized Reports

Realtime Customized Reports

With EBIS, you can analyse and generate custom reports for different functionality features within the application for several time periods while retaining control over output formats. You can also quickly and easily collect data, load it into reports, and export results in the format you want, including excel and PDF formats.

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